Hey everyone! It’s 20 Chore Tuesday time! I’m linking up with Emily from Joyful Abode and all my other lovely IG friends out there 🙂 This weekend was filled with lots of hanging out and fun with friends but I am exhausted! This week’s list is more about meal prep and errands instead of cleaning, which suits me just fine 😉 Here it is:
Vacuum floor
Vacuum floorChange sheets
Sweep floorsMop floorsWash sinksWash toilets
Make chiliMake blueberry muffins(I use vanilla yogurt instead of sour cream in these. Yum!)Sweep floorMop floor- Drain fish tank
Unload/reload dishwasher
Go to libraryGo to bankGo to health food store for bulk spices- Walk in the park for 30 minutes * there was a surprise rain shower that kept us from doing this but while I was in town, I got a call from the eye doctor about my appointment today (which I completely forgot about!) so instead…..
Eye exam and new contact lens fitting appointment
Laundry x4Fold and put away diapers- Finish knitting baby legging
The fish tank is going to require hubby’s help in the morning and the baby legging won’t be done tonight but I got some solid work done on it. I have to say 18 out of 20 isn’t bad! What’s on your list?
Good Luck! We are in full on Potty Learning mode so put 20CT on hold for the week…which means next weeks list is gonna suck! lol 🙂
Oh, good luck with the potty training! I say that counts for 20 chores all on its own!