My list is short and sweet today, because Christian has a cold and is going to require lots of cuddles (so far today, if he is not being held by me or Craig, then the world seems to be coming to an end). I have some errands and cleaning to do and prep for my Cookie Swap party this Sunday! The most important thing on my list (other than feeding everyone) is to finish the paper that I had due last night. I will be very glad to finish this class next week!
ShowerFeed all creatures in the house, including myself!- Finish my networking paper and submit it
Go to the chiropractorReturn movies at the libraryMail Christmas cards offDiaper laundry x2Christian’s laundry- Vacuum living room
Move extra yarn to back room- Pick up toys
- Dishes
- Wash counters
- Sweep kitchen floor
Clear off deskClear off hutchClear off top of bookshelf- Find make ahead appetizer recipes for party
- Bring out platters and bowls to clean
- Make network diagram for final
As always, link up with me and my friends at Joyful Abode to play along 🙂
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