Happy New Year! One of the things that I do at the start of each year is to come up with my One Word. I pray about it as December comes to a close and ask God to give me a word and a verse that will shape the coming year. This year’s word for me is Flourish and my verse is Psalm 1:3 (He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.)
For the last few months I have had a yearning to get back to blogging. I love interacting with you all and sharing bits of how I view the world and run my business. To help me with this, I decided to do something fun and come up with a word for each month! Each month, my posts will revolve around a central word and the ways that it can impact life and business. The theme I chose for January is FOCUS. In honor of that word, I created a moodboard that reminds me of the sense of stillness and clarity that often comes with the turning of the calendar page. Hope you enjoy it!
this is my word for the year! focus ! and I also was led to that scripture during the start of the year! wow!!!