It’s 20 Chore Tuesday time! I am less than motivated to get started this morning as my wonderful baby boy woke up at 4am restless and cranky due to a head cold and 2 (yes you heard that right, TWO) top teeth that decided that they needed to make an appearance yesterday morning. One episode of Sesame Street later, and I finally managed to get him back to sleep. I however, am up for the duration, so I am going to make the most of it and get my list done super early! This will be especially good since my in-laws are coming into town from Delaware early this afternoon 😀 Here is the breakdown:
First thing on my list:
Make 20 Chore Tuesday list and blog about ityou may laugh, but this totally felt like a chore this morning and I get to check it off my list 🙂
Change sheetsMove hunting stuffMove baby stuff out of drawersVacuumDust
Vacuum floorFold and put away the 3 loads of laundry residing on my couch
Sweep floorsWash sinksScrub toiletsScrub showers
Sweep floorWash countersWash tableUnload/reload dishwasher
Vacuum floor
Doctor’s appointment– this should be (but is not) the last one in the series. Who knew freezing a stinking wart on my thumb would take so long :/
Empty trashPut away diaper laundryEat 3 actual meals!This is something I have been having a really hard time with lately. I keep forgetting to eat, which I know is not good for me and especially not good for Christian since he is nursing a TON lately (drat those 2 teeth!)
Look at that! The first 3 things on my list are actually done! I might actually have a prayer of getting this done! Link up with me and my awesome friends by clicking the yellow button. It really does feel good to be productive 🙂
Update: Did the mad dash while Christian had a good nap and crossed off a ton of stuff on my list! Now to finish up before the in-laws get here. Stay tuned 🙂
Update: Everything done but the eating 🙂
Update: Take out pizza for dinner still counts as an actual meal right? 🙂
Ahh- the 4amkids wakeup. Good for productivity, bad for sanity! Good luck 🙂
Sounds like your day was far more productive than mine, glad you got stuff done! 🙂
We’re going through teething too, 2 year old molars. I’ve been up at 4 am too many times these past two weeks! Great job on getting everything done, eating 3 meals a day is sometimes tough!
Great job yesterday! We were gone for half the day so I slacked…again. Hoping to get back into the groove next week!