This week’s list is a bit on the light side since we are just getting back into the groove of things after having the in-laws here all last week. Christian is thankfully getting over his cold and since the teeth have made their appearance, he is a much happier baby In fact, he has slept in almost every day this week!
*cue happy mommy cheers*
So on to the list. I’ve got more than 20 things here but I’ve got lots of fun crafting and computer stuff mixed in with the cleaning and drudgery. Hubby is working the late shift tonight so it’s going to be me and my little man all night and I wanted to be able to really spend some quality mommy-baby time with him. Here is the breakdown:
- Sweep floor
Unload/reload dishwasher- Wash counters
Clear off desk
Pick up and switch out toys- Vacuum floor
- Sweep floor
Wash sinksScrub toilets
- Vacuum floor
Fold and put away laundry
Doctor’s appointmentGrocery shoppingLibrary
- PNE Website coding
- Moodboard for new web project
- DQ for school
- Knit owl or bear hat
- Make “tissue”box for Christian
- Cast on for Abalone
Reschedule dentist appointmentPay billsDiaper laundry
Link up with me at Joyful Abode or by clicking the yellow button above. What’s on your list?
Update: Ever have one of those days where you feel like you are pedaling backwards instead of forwards? Yeah, that’s my day so far today :/ I’m plugging away at it though
Looks to me like you got a lot done! I make my list last all week because I know I can’t get it done all in one day! haha
LOL! my list is weekly too! I work full time. Also, there aren’t any household chores, really…
You’re doing great!