Last week was just crazy and I missed getting to set my goals for the week. It probably was for the best because the way it went, I probably wouldn’t have gotten them done anyways. But the wonderful thing about time is that it passes and we are given the opportunity to begin anew. Last […]
20 Chore Tuesday
It’s 20 Chore Tuesday again! Christian has been a bear today, but I have managed to get some stuff done in spite of that 🙂 My list is heavy on the cleaning since I have been devoting most of my time in the last few days to getting schoolwork done. Plus, since it is stormy […]
Setting Goals Sunday # 3
Hello again! It is time for me to share with you some of my goals for this week. I have really been motivated to be purposeful with my days because of this series of posts. Even though I did not get all of my goals done this week, I am getting closer to accomplishing them […]
Setting Goals Sunday # 2
I can’t believe the week is over already! This past week has flown by and while I didn’t accomplish all my goals, I managed to get most of them done 🙂 Here is my list for the next week: FAMILY LIFE Play the piano with Christian – this is a holdover from last week’s list […]
Setting Goals Sunday
Hey everyone! I have had it on my mind for a little while to be a bit more purposeful in my week instead of just reacting to each day as it comes. With that in mind, I have decided to take a little time each Sunday and write down 10 goals for the week. Here […]
Apple, I mean Pumpkin Picking
In my last post, I mentioned that Christian and I were going apple picking with my sister and SIL. While it didn’t go quite as we planned, it was still fun so I thought I would share 🙂 The place we went had wagons for the kids to ride in. Christian was super excited to […]