Hey everyone! It’s that time again 🙂 I didn’t get to do this last week so I’m playing a bit of catch-up. Here’s my list!! Towel laundry #1 Towel/kitchen laundry #2 My laundry Wash bathroom sinks Scrub toilets Sweep bathroom floors Scrub shower/tub Make supper Dishwasher load #1 Dishwasher load #2 Sweep kitchen floor Clear […]
Setting Goals Sunday # 3
Hello again! It is time for me to share with you some of my goals for this week. I have really been motivated to be purposeful with my days because of this series of posts. Even though I did not get all of my goals done this week, I am getting closer to accomplishing them […]
Setting Goals Sunday
Hey everyone! I have had it on my mind for a little while to be a bit more purposeful in my week instead of just reacting to each day as it comes. With that in mind, I have decided to take a little time each Sunday and write down 10 goals for the week. Here […]
Apple, I mean Pumpkin Picking
In my last post, I mentioned that Christian and I were going apple picking with my sister and SIL. While it didn’t go quite as we planned, it was still fun so I thought I would share 🙂 The place we went had wagons for the kids to ride in. Christian was super excited to […]
20 Chore Tuesday – getting back into the groove
This week’s list is a bit on the light side since we are just getting back into the groove of things after having the in-laws here all last week. Christian is thankfully getting over his cold and since the teeth have made their appearance, he is a much happier baby 🙂 In fact, he has […]
20 Chore Tuesday – brought to you at 4am by my cranky baby
It’s 20 Chore Tuesday time! I am less than motivated to get started this morning as my wonderful baby boy woke up at 4am restless and cranky due to a head cold and 2 (yes you heard that right, TWO) top teeth that decided that they needed to make an appearance yesterday morning. One episode […]